Everywhere to be

In her garden, beneath the flailing skies,

Fertile soil in frightful quiet lay,

Waiting upon the right winds to blow,

In her faithful humus, happy seeds to sow.

And seeded they were, not one but numerous,

Spreading their roots and suckling on her wealth,

Grabbing nutrition, with their greedy tendrils,

Growing burdens, and weeds, aplenty.

And then one day, the benevolent winds planted,

Gently, a good elm in her midst,

So as her fluid arms flowed in and around,

She embraced him, completely.

For she was water, a tricky aquamarine,

Quenching, needed and yet cruel at sea,

But that special tree you see,

Was nourished, for it wasn’t just another weed.

Oh how he grew, splendid and tall,

And oh, how he spoke of grandeur in fall,

Oh, that poetry in silent calls,

They were much more than she’ll ever recall.

And when to the winds he bowed and thrilled,

Through her, ripples he sent, multiple,

Developing, constant and unfazed,

Nurtured, caressed and gone away?

Oh what language they shared—a coexistence,

What laughter trickled through his veins,

What disregard in innocent games

A disposition, frankly pleasant.

She gurgled, she smiled, she basked,

In her lovely brook by her tree,

Beneath his scattered shelter she played,

Meandering coyly but then again….

There is sun, who paints the heavens,

And science wrote, in the back of its heart,

That she should embark,

On fateful journeys, painfully endless.

And so, a cruel transpiration tugged,

Her droplets from the tallest branches,

She left with “this is survival love,”

You should transpire, and I shall fly.

Was it goodbye? He seemed to ask,

You nourish me, and I wish to last,

Stay here, will you, please?

From the sun and vicious cycles, can water beg release?

And she left to reach the burning sun,

Who pulled with allure, natural

It might have seemed so feral,

wrong, weird.

But understand this, love, with heed she always returns,

Through the many miles, and countless turns

As dew every morning, to see the loving elm….

as dew every morning to see the loving elm!!!

Before evanescing to rightful brilliance.

And she wishes only but this,

To belong with the skies, and the trees.

To journey along, mindfully,

To heal all hearts, and everywhere to be.

She'll live as memory if in your heart you keep….


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