Enchantress conjured a city of dreams,
But Playful madman built a brick wall,
Barricaded, caught in the in-between,
Robbed is she of power, raw.
Prying at closed doors, a toy to his cruel mischief,
Lost here and there again,
Unknowing, terrorized, uncertain.
Mammoth efforts and cat-and-mouse....
Reaching pleading, trying,
Fatigued, alone and distraught,
It creeps steady, builds and consumes,
Disappointment, pure.
Awaiting that wave of clarity,
That can solve the ciphers that bite at the rational brain,
Over-working, challenging and dominating,
The neurotic soul shakes.
The same questions repeating,
Asking why it’s costing so much,
When there is honesty to effort,
Why can’t the brick wall dissolve?
Enchantress built a city of dreams,
But it’s on the other side,
Madman laughs in triumph,
She is deaf, to find the door, she blindly tries.
Pushed to solid wall,
Effort is singular, inevitable,
Waxing and waning, oscillating,
Hope, trickling.
As long as endurance to sprit exists, it shall crumble madman's prophecy,
Sunshine shall one day seep,
Ernest eyes wait to witness
A silent metamorphosis.
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Singing Along
Shadow's First Award

Beautiful Blogger Award Recipient

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
About Me

- Shadow
- ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," – that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know..." said Keats. That, is the essence to the songbird's poetry. Welcome to my perch!