The Ginkgo

A pretense of azure,
Happy summer skies,
The somber clouds do part an inch,
To allow for mischief.

They’re tremulous today,
Bent and acquiescing,
Succumbing in dignified solemnity,
But do I catch that one quivering for release?

Or this one, in crowded space,
Chocking in the emerald, thronged,
Why, the guilt, I now wonder,
Can I find me in there, somewhere?

Oh look, a ginkgo leaf hesitating like one charmed,
No webs, no venation,
Just plain and simple.
A marvel.

At last I found the leaf that was me,
Upon the sidewalk, stalling,
Like one in young love, chasing pretentious sunshine,
Into scattered shadows, and then back again.

Oh Hedwig!

When into amber eyes I looked,
Gone was I, led astray,
The world rocked and shook,
Pronouncing joyous accolades.

Lost by not pitifully so,
For I still knew my way,
Held loose, but very close,
And then, wandering there.

Oh Hedwig, oh Hedwig, I called
To that snowy owl of mine,
Myths, on wings, so alive,
To love and life, I used to cry.

For the sun shone when it was no more day,
For the letters, come what may,
Oh Hedwig, I called, take them to the happy place,
The thousand letters preciously encased.

For there is no more gloom, when here she be,
No more room for tragedy,
No more hurt, no more pain,
For this she could be, just simply an everything.

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