They were trusting enough to reach me,
The Riddling Song Bird Sings
Hear the meaning within the word
They were trusting enough to reach me,
Over the hedges that framed,
Sweet glassy visions
That had met the earth and
Tasted her nativity,
You tossed,
A fondness so green.
Like the slim cresent
Of a chickoo that mother chopped,
Were those saccharine sugars,
Passing silence in the halls,
You tossed,
Frisking a summer air,
And some showers in Port Blair,
Atlases and prim laundered cloths,
You travelled and tossed,
In sleep.
Fine lines and brush strokes,
That defined the costline,
On your parched paper,
Couldn’t secure delusion.
For you had tossed,
Fragments of conversation,
In cluttered heart so old,
Sidestepping those thoughts that glow,
A memory made, kept, sown.
Identify the constellations,
That crowd out flaccid hope,
Braiding the nervousness,
Brevity of soul.
You could become the middle of the song,
A pithy Stanza, frameworks of preciseness,
Trepid eyes in reflections,
A vanishing tempo, safeguarded.
Like tiger strips of summer growth,
Past a lawn into the spilling wilderness,
Livid to untimely interventions,
Love---has grown.
At the edge of your telling lips.
Time waves collide on blindfolded eyes,
And the eras, like bees, sweep at heady perfumes,
On a flowering bough, thrilling in bloom,
In palace gardens, cascading hourglass dunes.
The shying lavenders scent the vaulted routes,
Of history and splendor, pillared and true,
Classic fable, and all that she sees,
Beneath blindfolded eyes, they’ll always be.
She knew of times that were as young as she was old,
Days that blushed to daubs of patterned gold,
Kingfishers dived to sagittate pride to treasures that float,
Just beneath agitated waters, in feisty beak to hold!
And now in blindness she only feels,
Her husband’s love, for all things green,
Dritharashtra, she calls, and Sanskrit seems,
To not grasp enough of him, fondness to feel.
Dritharashtra, she calls, in blinded light,
In blinded love, inept in sight,
Husband, I give you a lifetime, she cries,
Legacies leak in tearing eyes.
A love like fire, like sacrifice;
A love like fire, like sacrifice.
Begging day
The tongue to be smothered by heavy phonetics,
The palate to be tapped, a plea of merciful composure,
Shaky with the begging, in principle, understood;
Beneath these asbestos roofs, to be pitiable.
The name-calling, dwindling,
As their summer frivolry speeds through village roads,
Leaving me with package,
Like the begging rewarded, like surprises in gunny bags.
Maybe a dosa, half-eaten,
Maybe exotic food that spoiled,
Hopefully whipped with warm ghee,
That cashews litter.
I greedily clutch, unbending.
The veins spitting the excitement,
In a steady drone that surrounds, I see,
that far away there are coconuts; I could kneel for kernel….
To quench a thirst, to scavenge,
I clutch, still, anticipating somewhat.
Blue-veined and old, walking away.
Into the streets, to beg another day.
My survival, under these asbestos roofs.
With only the trampled sands to sing my song.
Carry me Away
In their own secretive qualms,
A distant twinkle of quarrels they witnessed,
And maidens stand charmed.
Carry me away.
The mundane black of cables,
Droop in pessimism,
Crows gather by the murder,
Picture-perfect sobriety.
Carry me away.
The creative minds scribble,
A poem, an article in proud papers,
A nomination today, Pulitzers,
A teenager closes a masterpiece of a diary.
Carry me away.
There is a factory worker, hemming overtime,
For export factories in Dhaka,
You buy cloth wipes, clean a counter.
Swipe off grease on embroidered tulips,
Carry me away.
where patience learns to paint with sun,
the rivers, in their paths to churn,
round and round at every turn.
I know of a place where busy men run,
To and fro, seldom with fun,
Waiting upon, and new things to learn,
And regressing again, in incompletion.
I know of places with honking horns,
saturated sights, grief and woes,
fruitful and faithless, and all things greater,
like love lost and recovered.
And yet, they stay not the same,
for when they lack the essential,
every beautiful nook and goddamn heaven remains,
until he comes this way.
Singing Along
Shadow's First Award

Beautiful Blogger Award Recipient

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
About Me

- Shadow
- ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," – that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know..." said Keats. That, is the essence to the songbird's poetry. Welcome to my perch!